Minimalist folding wooden daybed on a brick wall background

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A universal daybed with mattress is exactly what your house lacks

Want to boost stylish atmosphere in dim house? In favour of brightening it by adding some distinct accents? A day bed is a perfect match for you. Crafted for various purposes, it will definitely steal the show during joyous celebration. You’re capable of placing this furniture item both outside the house – on the porch in order to create an extra resting zone – and of purchasing an in-house special couch as balmy welcoming gesture too. Produced mainly with functional objective, pull out daybed effortlessly serves as an additional comfy sleeping place for your guests since it easily transforms into a kind of double bed. Eventually, it turns out to be a bed inside a sofa or vice versa – as well as utmost creative and trendy solution to wisely stylise any room as well as maintain it commodious.

Don’t worry if the final variant of furnished room looks dull and bland. For plain furniture haters, there’s a way to easily stylise this interior element creating homelier atmosphere. Ordinary but adorable accessories like blankets and cushions will come in handy. This typical couch will undeniably become your vital energy source and resting spot allowing you to sprawl on it in any possible position.

Elaborated history makes a wooden daybed worth immediate attention

Day bed sofa has a long and rich storyline unlike most other pieces of furniture. They have existed since Egyptian times and were made of way steadier material than wood. (However, your back would probably hate you for a stone seat). The purpose was almost identical – a space for gathering and enjoying leisure time. Their active usage has been detected during the Renaissance period as affluent stratum of the population was literally obsessed with this couch. Being present at every luxurious reception of a respected member of society, daybed in living room was the center of attention and successfully caught curious eyes of visitors. Nowadays those décor elements lost their correlation with up-market people though still are considered as extraordinary furnishing complementing different styles. Another completely different purpose of this particular couch-like item is medical if not talking about design accent. Such flat fold out daybeds with adjusting backs were successfully utilised during doctor examinations in order to place a patient in comfortable position.


You may hesitate to buy a daybed couch simply thinking it’s not worth your attention and rather preferring a sofa bed. Let’s dot the i’s and cross the t’s above this matter. People quite frequently can mix up those 2 furniture items though surely the difference exists. Wood daybeds of all types are more space-saving, preventing the room from visual cluttering. They’re considered as a perfect medium between numerous upholstered furniture: not so large as sofas and more sizable than armchairs. They barely have no back, while couches are aimed at leaning on them. On the contrary, a kind of advanced chaise longue is designed for situations requiring additional sleeping spot. There’s no exact answer to what bargain you should make. The only appropriate advice would be to listen to your heart and choose the most suitable furnishing fitting in the house. 

A great variety of double day beds AliBene can offer

Natural daybeds widely vary in price, though the main characteristics you should pay attention to are comfortable mattress made of soft fabrics and resistible frame from solid lasting materials. AliBene is that particular retail company capable of satisfying your needs. We use rigorously eco-friendly materials which aren’t threatening to health and are completely safe. Moreover, after long years of active usage our modern daybeds retain attractive appearance, mattresses do not sag and colour remains bright and lively. We guarantee you perfect quality, as well as reliable packaging, thus the bargain would please the eye daily. It’s your sign to become a bit more content finding home stuff you’ve always dreamed of!

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